Trials Diary & Events

There’s someting going on all year round, take a look and use the filters to see what’s going on in your area.

The biggest trials in the UK and Ireland are the ISDS Nationals and International Trials, held every year. There is also the ISDS World Trial, held every three years.

All trials make a great day out in the countryside, where you get to experience the incredible ability of the Border Collie and the skill of being a shepherd!

Image of black and white border collie, looking to the left

Choose your region Flag of England Flag of Ireland Flag of Scotland Flag of Wales Flag of International Flag of World
July Saturday 12
Flag of Scotland Scotland

Aberfeldy & District JAC Sheepdog Trial

First dog runs at 8am

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July Saturday 19
Flag of Scotland Scotland

Fetlar Open Trial

8.30 start. 07799848239.

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July Thursday 24
Flag of Scotland Scotland

Northmavine Open Trial

8.30 start. 07799848239.

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July Friday 25
Flag of Scotland Scotland

South Shetland Sheepdog Trial

8.30 start. 07799848239.

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July Saturday 26
Flag of Scotland Scotland

Yell Open Sheepdog Tria

8.30 start. 07799848239.

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August Sunday 3
Flag of Scotland Scotland

Glendevon Sheepdog Trial

ENTRIES to Alan Sim 07745989855 or email

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August Sunday 10
Flag of Scotland Scotland

Tangwick Open Trial


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August Tuesday 12
Flag of Scotland Scotland

West Side Sheepdog Trial

8.30 am start. Contact: 07799848239.

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August Wednesday 20
Flag of Scotland Scotland

2025 Scottish National - DAY 1

More information to come

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August Thursday 21
Flag of Scotland Scotland

2025 Scottish National - DAY 2

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August Friday 22
Flag of Scotland Scotland

2025 Scottish National - DAY 3

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August Saturday 23
Flag of Scotland Scotland

2025 Scottish National - DAY 4

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