Trials from August 2015
Cornwall Sheep Dog Society
Classes: Novice MX, Open MX, Open Driving. Start 9.30 am. Entries on the field.
Find out moreOsmotherley Show Open Trial
Open & Novice Handler. 10.00 am start, enter on field. If running 2 dogs, 1 to be booked in by 12 noon.
Find out moreHolmrook Opens
9.00 am start, enter on field, a.m. & p.m. trials; a.m. trial first 30 dogs followed by p.m. trial.
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Clew Bay Sheep Dog Trials Association
Open Trial, start time 9.30 am, entry fee €7.00 per dog, entries taken on the day.
Find out moreCornwall Sheep Dog Society
In Aid of Childrens Hospice South West. Classes: Novice MX, Open MX, Open Driving. Start 9.30 am. Entries on the field.
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Open Sheep Dog Trial in conjunction with Bulliconlon Agriculture Show
10.00 am start.
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The Muckish Mountain Charity SDT
Open only (hill trial). Start 8.30 am. (no catering)
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Clonmany Agriculture Show Sheep Dog Trial
Starts 10.00 am. Prize money in each class.
Find out more2015 English National
Find out more2015 English National
Find out more2015 English National
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Glenfinn Open & Intermediate Trials
Start time 8.00 am. Dogs entered after 2.00 pm may not get a run.
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Colmonell SHeep Dog Trial
Entries on the field, £5 per dog. No 2 dogs after 1.00 pm.
Find out moreWonham Barton Charity Trial
TRIAL IS CANCELLED Open/Novice Maltese cross & Open/Novice driving. 9.30 am start, enter on field by 12.00 noon.
Find out moreWessex Sheep Dog Society
Entries will close when sufficient entries have been received to ensure a full days running.
Find out moreEast Anglian Sheep Dog Society
15th & 16th August, Day 1 of weekend trial - Open/Novice Trial, 3 x trials held in 3 different fields. Pre-entry by 31st July, £5.00 per dog.
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Lochbroom Open Trial
Further information from Scott Renwick Tel: 01854 655209
Find out moreWessex Sheep Dog Society
Entries will close when sufficient entries have been received to ensure a full days running.
Find out moreCornwall Sheep Dog Society
Classes: Maltese and Driving. Start 9.30 am. Entries on the field, no entries after 12 noon.
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Kincraig Open Trial
Further information from Mr Ronald MacPherson Tel: 01479 821435
Find out moreEast Anglian Sheep Dog Society
15-16 August - Open/Novice Trial. Pre-entry by 31st July, £5.00 per dog.
Find out moreNorthern (Open)
9.30 am start, enter on field by 2.00 p.m., maximum 2 dogs, only 1 can be booked in after 12 noon.
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Newtonmore Open Trial
Further information from Vivian Montgomery Tel: 01540 673502
Find out moreThrelkeld
18 & 19 August - Tues 18 - Local, 5.00 pm start, enter on field. Wed 19 - Open, 8.30 am start, enter on field by 4.00 pm.
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North Wales SDS
Local classes, 3.30 pm start, entry fee £1.00, radius of 12 miles from field
Find out moreDovedale Sheep Dog Society Annual Summer Trials
Open Singles and Doubles, Nursery, Novice and Local. Booked entries only. Approx 40 runners per day plus locals. Trade stands, craft stalls, caterers and bar.
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Kingussie Open Trial
Further information from Mr Donald Ross Tel: 01540 651310
Find out moreHornby & District
Open & Novice, 8.00 am start, all dogs to be booked in before 5.00 pm, catering.
Find out moreGlassonby & East Fellside
18 & 19 August - Tues 18 - Local Nursery & Novice, 20 mile radius of Glassonby, 5.00 pm start, enter on field.
Find out moreGlassonby & East Fellside
18 & 19 August - Wed 19 - Open, 8.00 am start, enter on field by 4.00 pm.
Find out moreDovedale Sheep Dog Society Annual Summer Trials
Open Singles and Doubles, Nursery, Novice and Local. Booked entries only. Approx 40 runners per day plus locals. Trade stands, craft stalls, caterers and bar.
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North Wales SDS
19 & 20 August - Thurs 20 - 3.30 pm start. Entry fee £1.00. Refreshments on field.
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Westside Sheep Dog Trials
Start 8.30 am. Limit, Junior, Double & Open Classes.
Find out moreDevon & Exmoor Sheep Dog Society
Classes: Open Driving - Elson Perpetual Challenge Rose Bowl, Arrowsmith-Smith Brown Rose Bowl Highest Pointed - Ordinary Member, Avery Tankard Highest Total Points Over Two Runs - Ordinary Member, Jubilee Shield Best OLF.
Find out moreBritish Ironwork Centre Sheep Dog Trial
2 sessions of 40 dogs - Prizes and Entry Fees per session. Entries for more than 2 dogs may be entered into a draw for additional dogs if numbers dictate but will be accommodated where possible.
Find out moreBarbon Open & Novice
Open - 8.00 am start, last booking in 4.00 pm. Pre-entry by 1st August. Novice - 10.00 am start, pre-entry or enter on field, last booking in 3.00 pm.
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Hugh McCrea Memorial Sheep Dog Trial
Start 8.30 am. Intermediate & Open Classes.
Find out moreNorthern Open
9.00 am start, enter on field by 2.00 pm, only 1 dog after 12 noon, max 2 dogs per handler.
Find out moreDevon & Exmoor Sheep Dog Society Westcountry Driving Championship
Classes: Open Driving - West of England Shield - Jan Trophy - Highest Pointed Ordinary Member.
Find out moreCaldbeck & Hesket-New-Market SDT
First run 9.30 am, entries taken on field up to 3.30 pm. Approx. 55 runners.
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Mull & Morven Open
TRIAL CANCELLED Further information from Enid Moore Tel: 01680 300178
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North Wales SDS
28 & 29 August - Friday 28 - Local Class & Young Farmers Class. Saturday 29 - entry on the field. Refreshments on the field.
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North Wales SDS
28 & 29 August - Friday 28 - Local Classes, 4.00 pm start. Saturday 29 - 8.00 am start. Entry on the field.
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Hundred House SDT
28th & 29th August - 28th August South Wales style, 29th August Open National style
Find out moreDufton Show
Local, Nursery & Novice, radius 15 miles of Dufton Church, 4.30 pm start, enter on field
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Ceiriog Valley Sheep Dog Trials & Show
CLASS 2 - for dogs not having won 1st prize in an Open Class. Prizes: £25, £15, £10, £5, £3, £2. Entry fee £3.
Find out moreWessex Sheep Dog Society
Entries will close when sufficient entries have been received to ensure a full days running.
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Fort Augustus Open Sheep Dog Trial
8.00 am start. Entries on the field at £5.00 per dog. No 2 dogs after 1.00 pm.
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North Wales SDS
Start 8.00 am, entry on the field. Open Class - entry fee £3.00. Class 2 - dogs not to have won 1st or 2nd in Open. Refreshments on the field.
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North Wales SDS
Entry on field. Open Class - Entry £2.50. Class 2 - Entry fee £2.00, dogs not won 1st or 2nd in Open. Class 3 - Under 25 years. Refreshments available.
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Ceiriog Valley Sheep Dog Trials and Show
OPEN CLASS - run strictly to order with Final of 12 dogs in the afternoon. Prizes - £150, £100, £60, £30, £20; seven consolation prizes of £10 each. Entry fee £5.
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Clew Bay Sheep Dog Trials Association
CHANGE OF DATE FROM 23 AUGUST. Open Trial, start time 9.30 am, entry fee €7.00 per dog, entries taken on the day.
Find out morePatterdale Sheep Dog Trial
Entry £5.00 per dog, limited to 2 dogs per competitor. Closing date for entries 31 July.
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Carrick Sheep Dog Trial
Entries on the field, £5 per dog. No 2 dogs after 1.00 pm.
Find out moreWessex Sheep Dog Society
Double Gather. Entries will close when sufficient entries have been received to ensure a full days running. The Double Gather trial will be limited to 30 dogs and will start at 8.00 am.
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Atholl & Weem Open
Turn off A9 north of Dunkeld to minor road for Guay & Tulliemet. Proceed for 1 mile. Field will be signposted.
Find out moreHolmrook Opens
9.00 am start, AM & PM trials, first 30 dogs for AM trial followed by PM trial
Find out moreCornwall Sheep Dog Society
Classes: Novice MX, Open MX, Open Driving. Start 9.30 am. Entries on the field.
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Dalrymple Open Trial
9.00 am start, entry £5.00, enter on field, no two dogs after 1.00 pm. Catering on field.
Find out moreKeswick Show
Open, National style course, 8.30 am start, all dogs to be booked in by 3.00 pm.
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North Wales SDS
31 August & 2 September - Monday 31 - 8.00 am start, entry on field. Open Class - entry £4.00. Class 2 - entry £2.50. Dogs not won 1st or 2nd in Open.
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North Wales SDS
8.00 am start, entry on field. Open Class - Entry fee £3.00. Class 2 - Entry fee £2.00. Dogs not to have won 1st or 2nd in Open.
Find out moreNorth Berkshire SDT
Turn off northbound A34 after Botley interchange and take slip road to Wytham. Follow lane to village. First lane on LHS.
Find out moreSussex Sheep Dog Society
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Open Sheep Dog Trial
Open & Second Class, enter on the field, catering available.
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