Who we are

The International Sheep Dog Society is a Registered Charity (No. 209009) and its activities strictly accord with UK Charity Regulation. The structure and management has developed since its formation in 1906, but today’s structure is not dissimilar from that in place 50 years ago.

All full Members of the Society take part in nominating, and voting for if numbers exceed requirements, Directors who represent them at an Annual Meeting.



The day to day operation of the Society is under the control of the Chief Executive, accountable to Council (The Trustees) who exercise control under the terms of the Constitution.  Ultimate control to modify that Constitution rests with the Directorate, a body of past presidents and up to 120 elected Members of the Society. The structure of the Society thus consists of:

The Directorate - who elect a Chairman and Members of Council (Trustees), and vote on changes to the Constitution and the UK and Irish Rules For Trials.

The Society Council - which provides strategic direction and whose members act as Trustees to the Society.

Senior Leadership Team - comprising five members of Council (the Chairman and four National Presidents) who will take action on matters delegated by Council.

Chief Executive Officer - who undertakes the day to day running of the charity in accordance with the direction of the above.

International Sheep Dog Society Sponsors and Partners