2024 Directors Nominations & Member Motions
12 March 2024
If you are a UK or Ireland based member, this is a reminder of nominations for Directors and Junior Vice-Presidents for your nation, and to register any motions ahead of the four National Meetings this summer.
There are vacancies for ten Directors for each home nation (England, Ireland, Scotland and Wales), and Junior and Vice-President positions are always open to new names.
Nominations must be received by the Bedford office on or before 1st April, with nominations or motions being signed/supported by two members (who have obtained the consent of the nominee) by email to office@isds.org.uk or post if preferred.
A signature is not required if submitted by email but an email must come from each supporting person.
Nominations or motions should contain the following:
Details of the nomination of the position e.g. Junior Vice President, or details of the motion;
Name and address of the person being proposed, or details of the motion;
Confirmation from the person proposed that they are willing to stand.
Name, address and signature/email from the person proposing;
Name, address and signature/email from the person seconding the proposal.
Note: No person shall be eligible for election as a Director unless he/she shall have been a member of and resided for more than three years in the country making the election, except in the case of a Director who moves country.