IMPORTANT - Social Media & The ISDS

We would like to take a moment to remind our members of the importance of responsible social media usage as representatives of our society. It is crucial that we uphold certain standards and promote content that reflects positively on both ourselves and our community.

We are sure we do not need to highlight how our actions on social media can have a significant impact on how our society is perceived. While sheepdog trials and video demonstrations at home are an integral part of our Society’s heritage, it is essential that we approach the sharing of such content online with sensitivity and responsibility.

When sharing videos or images of sheepdogs engaging with sheep, provide appropriate context and emphasize the educational value of the content, as well as the importance of responsible handling and care for the welfare of both the sheepdogs and the sheep.

Remember that our online presence reflects our values and can influence public perception. Statements should not be made out to represent the ISDS.

By only engaging in meaningful and constructive discussions, respecting the opinions of others, and promoting effective and responsible training, it can only benefit the Society.

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