National Trials Entry Portal Open

The following email has been sent out to all Home Nations members with a registered email address, letters have been sent to those who entered the National Trials last year without an email address. 

If you have not received the email, here is the information for your reference. 

We are thrilled to announce that entries for National Trials are opening on the 1st June via a new easy to use online portal. Please read on for important information about entering.


We appreciate this is later than previously, but this has been done to make sure that all points can be included when you enter. There is plenty of time to enter with the closing date being 12th June at midnight.


We are delighted to share with you that there is a fantastic new online entry portal in place for you to enter your national trial quickly and easily. Through the portal you can directly select your dog/s to enter, add your trial history, then make the payment. The portal has proved an enormous success amongst our members who have tested it for us and those who entered the World Trial.


Registration for the portal is open, however you will not be able to make your National Trial Entry until the 1st June, so please do not try before entries open.


ENTRIES CLOSE AT MIDNIGHT ON 12TH JUNE, please allow plenty of time as the system will close at midnight.


The entry process is designed to be as clear and simple as possible for you and is a great improvement on the old MyISDS version and should only take you 5 – 10 minutes to complete.


Before you try to enter a trial, please follow these simple steps:


  1. Ensure that your membership is up to date. This can be arranged via the website or office and becomes active with relevant fees paid. You will NOT be able to enter if your membership is not in date.
  2. Make sure that the dogs you are entering are registered in your name. If any relevant transfers need to be done, please complete them before proceeding with your entry.
    1. If a transfer, registration, or membership renewal is made between the 1st and 11th June, please wait until the next day to make your entry via the portal to allow the transfer to be implemented.
  3. Then head to the new Trials Entry Portal and register via
    1. If you have entered the World Trial your same registration details will apply, you can amend your password via the settings icon in the top right of the entry portal.
  4. You will then receive an email with further information to assist you with your entry.
  5. Alternate HANDLERS can be nominated through this portal. You need the handler’s name and ISDS membership number.
    1. If you are entering and running a dog, and also entering a dog to be run by an Alternate handler, please make two separate entries and payments.
    2. If the nominated Alternate Handler is also entering a dog of their own, the office must be emailed to be informed of the desired running order of the two dogs. This will then be applied to the entry by the office.
  6. Two separate entries and payments will need to be processed for the Singles and Doubles (Brace) competition. Please press the logo in the top left corner to return to the home page to restart.
  7. Qualification points are valid between 1st June 2020 and 31st May 2023


Please ensure you allow yourself time to make your entry from the 1st so we are able to assist you if needed.


If you have any questions or concerns, please contact us, we are here to help and support you throughout the process.


Thank you for your continued support and we look forward to seeing you at the National Trials this year.


Best wishes




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