Chairman's Update - 15th Sept 2021 - Buying dogs.

I am sure you will all be aware that during the past Covid-19 related lockdown period(s) the demand for dogs and pups has escalated considerably along with a corresponding increase in values. Unfortunately, the ISDS Registration Officers are experiencing a related increase in the number of problem cases relating mainly to Transfers and Registrations.
Members who have been “duped” by unscrupulous individuals inevitably turn to the Society for assistance, and assure you that the Registration Officers and Stud Book Committee do their utmost to resolve these problems. Sadly many of the cases originate from the “civil contract “ between the two parties and ISDS does not have the power to intervene in a civil dispute. I would therefore advise and strongly encourage the following.


  1. Do not take possession or pay for a registered dog without a proper receipt proving payment, the Registration Certificate and a signed Transfer Form to be able to transfer the dog to your name. Always examine the Registration Certificate to ensure that the Transfer Form is signed by the last recorded owner (as many dogs pass through several owners without being transferred to each one).
    NB. Your dog cannot be transferred unless a Transfer Form is provided which is signed by the last RECORDED OWNER.

  2. If you buy a pup which is advertised as ISDS registered (or are verbally assured will be registered) you should obtain a statement to that effect as well as proof of payment. This may seem extreme but we are finding an increase in the number of our members who bought/own a pup which the breeder refuses to register.
  3. If you wish to give the Stud Book Committee some power in these cases you must provide the above evidence. In most cases nothing is on record and it boils down to one person’s word against that of another.

Please help us to help you.

Kind regards, Ian. 

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