GDPR Consent Harvesting Update

On the 26th May 2021, the ISDS sent out 3,792 GDPR consent e-mail requests to ISDS members as well as current or former owners of ISDS registered dogs. At 11:30am on 27th May 2021, we are pleased to report that we have received 1095 positive responses and a limited number explicitly refusing consent. We still have a considerable way to go but, this is a really good start. We will publish some pretty graphs and statistics in the coming weeks to show more detailed information.

It is important to note that the consent click-link that was sent to you via e-mail is specific to your e-mail address and so although you could share it, it will be no use to anyone else. ISDS staff would also like to ask that instead of responding to the e-mail with a reply saying “I consent” that you click on the link in the e-mail instead, that’s all you need to do, everything else is taken care of. The ISDS has a computer system in-place that records your GDPR consent click.

Of course, the ISDS would prefer all members to use an e-mail address as this reduces the overhead of staff costs and our carbon footprint but for those that are genuinely unable to do this, we will be providing an update regarding how you can give GDPR consent very soon. Please be patient, we have an enormous task ahead of us that we are trying to undertake alongside our normal workload.

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