Chairman update 10th July 2020

Following on from my previous report I have further updates following our latest Council meeting, which was held on Wednesday 8th July via Zoom video conferencing, once again a very productive meeting.



Council were updated on the proposal to employ a professional company to update and strengthen the Society governance. A tender document has been produced and submitted to three independent companies who specialise in providing expert assistance in this field, and as soon as information becomes available it will be shared.


The final information for the Society accounts has been submitted to the auditors and the audit is on track be completed by the end of August, which is within the timescale required by legislation. Many thanks to our temporary Executive Officer Helen for gathering the required information and getting this done within the necessary timescale. Accounts will be available in due course once completed.


Minutes of the 2020 AGM will also be available by the end of July.

Live Streaming

Council are investigating the potential of live streaming, to include National, International and World trials. The legal implications appear to be somewhat complex, however professional advice is being sought. It is recognised that providing live streaming of our major trials would be particularly beneficial for our overseas members who would like to watch the premier events first-hand. During initial discussions with potential providers we have identified additional potential income for the Society which could be generated from advertising between runs. Modern video filming is now commonplace in the marketing of sheepdogs, and it is not a huge step to apply this to sheepdog trailing. Implementing live streaming at our major trials would be a positive move forward for the Society.

Office Bearers

Council have agreed to follow the precedent set in the year of foot and mouth, a year where there were no trials held. At that time, it was decided that the office bearers would all roll over and effectively incumbents would serve an extra year in their positions. This will now apply to office bearers, Council members and Directors. Therefore, Directors that were due to retire in 2020 will continue until 2021, and those nominated to start their positions in 2020 will require a further nomination prior to 1st April 2021.

World Trial

The office has been receiving numerous inquiries regarding arrangements for the World Trial scheduled to be held in 2021. Council has arranged a meeting to take place on Wednesday 29th July to discuss revised arrangements for the World Trial, and this will include the issues and concerns being raised.

Thank you for your continued support.

Kind Regards

Ian Fleming

Chairman, International Sheepdog Society


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