Northumberland Sheep Dog Trials
21 June 2019
Northumberland Sheep Dog Trials League held a judging night on the 19th June kindly hosted by Tony and Marilyn Iley.
The expert judging panel consisted of Bevis Jordan, Mike Northwood, Keith Preston and Paul Turnbull all past judges of the English National.
After each of the 5 runs the judges points were averaged to get a definitive score and one of the panel gave a description of the run and where and why they took the points off.
Everyone got involved with questions and answers and travelled home with a better understanding of where their points disappear at a weekend.
Photo 1: Susan Pearson, 2 years in to trialing, judges with in two points of the National judges at the judging night.
Photo 2: Tony Iley the host, explaining to Jonjo and Claudia Pattinson how Jonjo's dog Boo picked his sheep up.
Photo 3: Attendees of the judging clinic
Thank you to Mike Northwood for the event information and photos.
It is really interesting to hear of events like this that take place away from the trial field, especially those that assist triallists in their understanding and development on the trial field.
Photos courtesy of Mike Northwood