Carlisle AGM Update re Registration Rules

Mr E Wyn Edwards and Mr Thomas Longton proposed the following motion which was carried at last Saturday's Directors Meeting:

Rules for Registration of Puppies - from 31st March 2014

  • Only the progeny of ophthalmic examined or DNA CEA tested parents shall be considered for registration
  • The Society will accept for registration, the progeny of a mating where one or both parents have been designated DNA Normal in relation to CEA
  • When any other combination is used then all the progeny from such a mating must be litter screened for CEA. The ISDS Office must be informed of the result before registration can be considered
  • The progeny of Affected and Affected to Carrier, will not be registered
  • Compulsory ophthalmic testing at National Trials will be done periodically to monitor any other eye conditions.

This would be a more reasoned and less expensive approach to PRA screening for ISDS members. This is premised on the evidence, held by the BVA which strongly suggests that PRA is no longer a serious condition in the Border Collie. If this is the case then a compulsory ophthalmic test at 2 years of age for all Collies registered with the ISDS would appear unnecessary.

The office are working on putting together the new rules into a clear and straightforward format and this will be posted onto the website shortly.

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